Succeeds if `received.isClose(expected, maxRelDiff, maxAbsDiff)` is false. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Succeeds if received !is expected. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Succeeds if received is neither TExpected nor a sub-type of it. Throws a FailingExpectationError if received can be cast to TExpected.
Succeeds if received doesn't contain the fobidden element or sub-range, or if it doesn't contain any elements satisfying the given predicate.
Succeeds if received doesn't contain the fobidden element or sub-range, or if it doesn't contain any elements satisfying the given predicate.
Succeeds if there is at least one elemt in received not equal to expected, or if at least one element in received doesn't satisfy predicate.
Succeeds if received != expected. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Succeeds if received does not match the regular expression pattern. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Succeeds if predicate(received) returns false. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Succeeds if predicate(received) returns false for at least one of the given predicates. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Succeeds if predicate(received) returns false for all predicates. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Calls received and catches any exceptions thrown by it. Succeeds if it doesn't catch TExpected or a sub-type. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Provides negated versions of the usual expectations in Expect.