Negates the expectation.
Succeeds if `received.isClose(expected, maxRelDiff, maxAbsDiff)`. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Succeeds if received is expected. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Succeeds if received is a TExpected or a sub-type of it. Throws a FailingExpectationError if received cannot be cast to TExpected or if received is null.
Succeeds if received contains the expected element or sub-range, or at least one element satisfying the given predicate.
Succeeds if received contains the expected element or sub-range, or at least one element satisfying the given predicate.
Succeeds if all elements in received are equal to expected, or satisfy predicate.
Succeeds if received == expected. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Succeeds if received matches the regular expression pattern. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Succeeds if predicate(received) returns true. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Succeeds if predicate(received) returns true for all predicates. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Succeeds if predicate(received) returns true for at least one of the given predicates. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Calls received and catches any exceptions thrown by it. Succeeds if it catches TExpected or a sub-type. Throws a FailingExpectationError otherwise.
Runs expectations on a given value. Instances must be created using expect.